☺Dr Dischord☺
Thousands of brightly coloured potions were crammed together upon big wooden shelves in Doctor Dischord's wagon. Milo, Tock and the Humbug put the their heads around the small open door of the wagon, and couldn’t believe what they saw in front of them.
In the exact middle of the room there was a dim flickering light bulb hanging low, so low that it nearly touched the top of Doctor Dischord’s mirror that was strapped extremely tightly around his skinny head. But the thing that their eyes were attracted to were his highly conspicuous ears. They were so big that they seemed unreal. Milo saw him working at a table mixing various colours and stirring them vigorously, then putting each of the mixtures into lots of unique bottles, some plump and short, some tall and skinny and many more unusual shapes.
“H h hello S s sir” Milo stammered taking a small step forward so he was exactly half in half out of Doctor Dischord’s wagon. But he just carried on bottling up all of his potions, and scribbling things down on a piece of paper. Just then he dropped his pencil on the hard oak table sitting under the low hanging light, and lent back on his chair and sighed. “Maybe we could say something now that he is taking a break” said Tock stepping even further into the wagon led by his curious black nose wanting to sniff a potion bottle that must have fallen out of a box.
“There must be at least a mailbox, or a sign on the outside of this wagon to tell us where we are and who this man is” quoted Milo stepping off the step very fast making the most terrible creaking sound. “This must be a very old wagon then if it makes this much noise,” said Milo, a grin spreading across his face as he did.
“I wonder how he became deaf, because there can’t be that much noise in this wagon and around this deserted field of endless grass,” said Tock.