Wednesday 19 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey Day 3 Week 1

Activity 3: The WWF: World Wildlife Fund [10 points]
In 1961, a number of people came together to start an organisation called the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The main goal of this organisation was/is to protect life on earth. Hundreds of WWF staff work in countries all over the world trying to protect our planet and the animals who live here. To learn more about their amazing work, click on one of the two video links below.

Clip #2: Tigers

Once you have watched the video, go to your blog and, using full sentences, tell us:
1) The name of the animal the WWF is working to save.
2) What the WWF is doing to help the animal.
3) What, if any, success they have had protecting the animal.

I have chosen to do my project on the fresh water seals, as for some reason I cannot watch the second video on Tigers because I was denied access on my device.  

The Word Wildlife Fund are trying to save the Saimaa Ringed Seal, as they are a highly endangered species of seal throughout the planet with approximately 360 seals left.  
The WWF are building man made snow banks to help the seal pups survive, as the Seals give birth to the pups in snow banks.  These snow banks protect to seal pups from many types of danger such as predators, getting cold and human disturbance.  

The video that I watched did not include any information about their success protecting the seal pups, but I can theoretically conclude that more of the seal pups will survive because the WWF has provided protection. 

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 3

Activity 2: The Secretive Skink [4 points]
We have a number of small lizards (geckos and skinks) living in New Zealand. One of the least common is the Chevron Skink. According to the Department of Conservation, Chevron Skinks live mostly on two islands - Great Barrier Island and Little Barrier Island. These islands are ‘animal reserves.’ Very few people, other than staff working for the New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC), are allowed to live there. The DOC staff are called ‘Rangers.’ Their job is to protect the wildlife (animals and plants) living on the island.
Would you like to be a DOC ranger and live with the animals on Great Barrier Island?
On your blog list three pros (good things) and three cons (bad things) about working as a DOC ranger. At the bottom of your post, tell us whether you would like to be a DOC Ranger or not.

1. Being able to know you are doing something useful and good, such as protecting the wildlife!
2. You would learn lots of new knowledge about animals and wildlife
3. You would make many new friends and get to know many people who share the same intrest as you; protecting the wildlife.

1. If you had to work on an island like the Great Barrier Island, you would become very isolated.
2.There are many dangers to being a DOC ranger, like getting hurt by animals or getting lost.
3. You might get bored of it.

I would not like to be a DOC ranger! I'm not a very outdoors kind of person, although I think it would be great learning many new skills and doing something useful for the environment it's not really the job for me.

Summer learning Journey Week 1 Day 3

Activity 1: Fantastic Beasts [4 points]

In New Zealand we have many unusual animals. One of the most unusual is the kiwi bird - a bird that does not have wings and can not fly. Pretty strange, eh?! J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books, has recently written a new book about strange or unusual animals called ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.’
For this activity, please watch this cool book trailer. Year 7 and Year 8 students in South Auckland, New Zealand helped to make it. Once you have watched the video, use your imagination and create your very own beast. What does your beast look, smell, feel, and sound like?

On your blog, post a description of your beast. Use interesting adjectives (describing words) to tell us about your beast.

The Malignadod!

The mystical creature, Malignadod lives in the forest of balignadodical.
They are oval in shape quite similar to that of a lemon, their aquamarine hair
sticks up in all directions right from the back of their neck to the top of their
eyebrows. They don’t have fur however their skin feels like a peach, fluffy and
soft.  If you ever encounter a Malignadod you will be greeted by a deafening
screech that could severely affect your hearing, in worst cases cause you to
go deaf. But don’t be fooled by their friendly appearance they will bat their
neon pink at you and holds out its hand for you to shake. When threatened
these abnormal beasts have a peculiar way of protecting themselves, they tilt
their head back at an alarming angle and squirt lemon juice out of their
nostrils, then a strong sizzling sound erupts from inside them and a bright
green laser beam shoots out of their belly button destroying anything in its
path.  Fear not, as the forests of Balignadodical are located both North and
South of Russia, and if you ever visit one of these forests you will die from
the severe odour of rotten goose eggs that the vivid orange trees give off.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey! Day 2

Activity 3: Weird and Wonderful [10 points]
New Zealand is just one of many countries that has amazing plants and trees. In fact, the African desert is home to some pretty incredible plants, like the cactus. Some cacti are able to survive on as little as 3 millilitres (ml) of water a day. Wow!
Let’s imagine that you are given a cactus for your birthday. To keep it alive, you must give it 3 ml of water every day.
Over one full year, how much water will you need to give your cactus plant?
On your blog, tell us how to solve this maths problem. You can write your answer in words, use a Sketchpad image, or post a video explaining how you would figure it out. Be sure to give us your final answer in millilitres (ml).

I worked out this equation using my head and multiplication here is my simple method!
I multiplied the number of water the cactus needs per day by the number of days in a year!

Summer Learning Journey

Activity 2: Fabulous Ferns [4 points]   One of the most common plants found in New Zealand forests is the fern. It is a special, iconic symbol of New Zealand. You will find pictures of ferns on the jerseys of many famous sporting teams in New Zealand, including the New Zealand All Blacks.  Did you know that many of these teams also have the word ‘fern’ in their name? Use your best researching skills to find three New Zealand sporting teams who use the word ‘fern’ in their title.   On your blog list three sports teams that have the word ‘fern’ in their title. Beside each team’s name, post a picture of their uniform. Then, at the bottom of your blog post tell us which of the three uniforms you like best and why.

Day 2 Summer Learning Journey Week 1

DAY 2: Forest Life

Activity 1: Giants Among Us [4 points]

New Zealand has a really special environment. Many of the plants and trees found in New Zealand are not found anywhere else in the world. These plants and trees are endemic to our country.  In New Zealand, one of the largest and longest living endemic trees is the NZ Kauri tree. Kauri are mainly found in three regions of New Zealand: the Coromandel, Auckland and Northland. The largest Kauri tree in the country is in the Waipoua Forest in Northland. It is called Tāne Mahuta. Some people refer to it as the ‘Lord of the Forest.’
Thousands of people go to visit Tāne Mahuta every year. Would you like to be one of those people who got to see Tāne Mahuta in real life? Why or why not?
On your blog, tell us whether you would like to go and visit Tāne Mahuta one day. Be sure to tell us why you do (or do not) want to visit this endemic tree.

I do not want to go and visit the Tane Mahuta tree because I feel like it would be a waste of time, and I would have better things to do than go and see a tree.

I feel like it is an awfully long way to go for me to see a tree that I can see pictures of online. If I was around the area I would probably go and see the tree, but I just feel like looking at trees isn't a very interesting thing to do.


Ice Ice Baby Summer Learning Journey Week 1

Activity 3: Ice, Ice Baby [10 points]
Antarctica is the world’s coldest continent. Even though it is made up of ice, it is also the driest continent in the world. In fact, it hasn’t rained there for nearly 2 million years! It is home to many animals such as whales, seals, birds, and fish. There are no permanent human residents (people who live there all the time) in Antarctica, however scientists do visit and stay in Antarctica for a while to study it.

This year the airline, Air New Zealand, filmed their safety video in Antarctica. They used some fabulous actors from Hornby Primary School in Christchurch. Just like on aeroplanes, we also need to keep safe and be smart online. We need to think about the type of information we are sharing online, who we are sharing information with, and how to have a positive digital footprint.

On your blog, make a copy of this footprint and, inside the footprint, explain how you create a positive, digital footprint. What do you do to stay smart online?.

Here is Mine Hope you Enjoy

North and South Summer Learning Journey Week 1

Activity 2: North and South [4 points]
The country of New Zealand is made up of two main islands – the North Island and the South Island. Approximately 77% of the New Zealand population live in the North Island. Many of these people (including our Summer Learning Journey design team) live in Auckland city. Auckland is a great place to live with lots of amazing parks, beautiful waterways and stunning scenery to enjoy. It is also a busy, vibrant city with many cafes, museums, galleries and theatres to visit. I feel lucky to call Auckland my ‘hometown.’
Now it is time to think about your hometown. What is special about where you live? On your blog, describe your hometown. Be sure to include lots of describing words (adjectives) in your post.

Here is my Writing about my Hometown.

The refreshing breath of wind waves the vivid green grass
in circular motion around my ankles.  The unpolluted blue sky stings
my eyes as a cloud moves from in front of the steaming hot sun.
This is Ahaura in the summer time.  I pull on my fuzzy socks and a
pair of sneakers and step outside, instantly a deadly feeling of cold hits me.
I tense up and cup my frozen hands around my nose and mouth and
bring warmth to them with a few breaths.  The icy white blanket that Jack
Frost layed out covers the grass stinging my toes even with the warmest layers.
This is Ahaura in the Winter time.

Ahaura my hometown a beautiful countryside village on the West Coast
of the South Island.  Ahaura doesn’t have many attractions but when you look
closely you can see what beauty it really holds.   The river, the dairy, the swingset
, the hut building bushes if you want to know more I guess you will just have to look

Top 3 Fun Facts Summer Learning Journey - Week 1 Day 1

This year I am participating in the Summer Learning Journey each day we can complete tasks that earn us points, and maybe take home a prize.  

Today's Activity- 

DAY 1: In the Beginning...

Activity 1: The Legend of New Zealand [4 points]

According to Māori mythology, much of Aotearoa New Zealand was formed when Māui, a powerful demigod, fished it out of the sea. Legend has it that Māui created a magical fish hook from the jawbone of his grandmother and that one day he took his hook, boarded a boat, and rode out into the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Once at sea, he threw his magical hook into the water and caught a fish. This ‘fish’ was actually the North Island of New Zealand! In honour of this legend, the North Island of New Zealand is sometimes referred to as Te Ika a Māui or ‘Māui’s fish’ and the South Island of New Zealand is sometimes referred to as Te Waka a Māui or ‘Māui’s canoe’.
To learn more cool facts about New Zealand, check out the Tourism NZ website. Read the fun facts posted on the website and choose your ‘Top 3.’ On your blog, post your ‘Top 3 Fun Facts’ about NZ in your own words.

My First Fact:
1. Aotearoa is the Maori name for New Zealand which also shares the same meaning as long white cloud. Imagine calling our country long white cloud!

My Second Fact:
2. New Zealand's official language is English and Maori! Can you speak both of these languages?

My Third Fact:
In New Zealand the biggest city which is Auckland is not the capital Wellington is!

I hope you enjoyed these top three facts leave a comment!

Thursday 6 December 2018

Word Art

Over the last two weeks Room 6 have made origami boxes with lids and personalised them.  We then stuck them to a piece of paper with our names so others would know they were ours.   Then our Teacher Mrs Hahn randomly with pieces of paper gave each of us a name and we had to then write positive words about them on a piece of paper and put them in that persons box.  Next we read out our words to the class and then we were tasked to make a word art online of some of the words in our boxes here are some of mine!  Enjoy!!!!♥️♥️💗💗💗