Monday, 19 June 2017


For a writing assignment our class had to write a persuasive letter to our principal trying to persuade her into what we would like to change in the school.  I picked, to try and persuade her to let us have no homework. We had to include rhetorical questions hyperbole, and more. But other students who want homework are trying to persuade her to keep it.  To plan our writing our teacher made us a burger template to fill in. We had an introduction, the three main point paragraphs and last but not least the conclusion. I hope you enjoy reading my persuasive writing, to have no homework.  In the comments, put weather you want homework, or if you don't want homework and why. ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜€

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Mrs Wallace

I believe that we should no longer have homework.  I know I’m not the only one in the class that thinks this way.  As the principal you probably won’t agree with me, although I have a few good reasons that I hope will persuade you to put us students out of the misery of doing homework.

As my first reason I’d like to bring up the fact that students go to school each day, to simply learn what they are meant to learn. I’ve done the maths and children are at school learning for 30 long hard hours a working week, that’s not including homework.   For one day at school we spend six hours hard learning, for again just one day at school.  Does that sound exhausting? Well listen to this, after six hours at school, a day you have to come home to a further 1-4 hours, of homework which should have already be done at school.  From my personal experiences I know that most days when I get home from school I’m exhausted, and don’t want to cope with the struggle of homework, and I’m sure I’m not alone on this one.  Homework is a used tissue no one likes them, but they are always hanging around and something has to be done with it.

I think that homework is a real inconvenience for people with after school curricular activities, weekend sport, and not to mention students spending time with their family.  If you think about it a lot of children have at least one or two extra curricular activities, not including sports and trainings.  You don’t want to have to come home from school and then have to rush around to get ready for the activity you are going to. Instead we should come home do all the things the average child  has to do, have a shower, eat dinner and spend time with their family.  But one thing that is always going to be on your mind is HOMEWORK.  So think about it once you have had your dinner had a shower, you have to do homework and most of the time you have to do heaps, which takes heaps of time, and leaves you hardly any time to spend time with your family.  Another point I’d like to make is that a lot of schools are digital, and that means we are having a lot of screen time, since we are doing school time digital and then having homework screen time and then extra at home.

If we stop homework we will not be alone a school in Australia has stopped homework, and studies have shown that it has improved their grades and they are higher than other schools. The principal of this school decided that it was more important for the students to eat dinner with their families, go outside and play or go to bed early, instead of worrying about homework.  Some studies have shown that homework has created negative attitudes about learning as they are doing it all of the time.

I hope you consider not doing homework for room six, to help us students to have a more relaxed and free life, away from the dreaded monster of homework.

Kind and Hopeful Regards


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