I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Our teacher read us a book called The Phantom Tollbooth, we had to write our own story using the characters from a particular part of the story. We were meant to try and describe the scene a little bit, using some interesting words and dialogue. Here is my story.
“And that man must be pretty deaf if he couldn’t hear that tremendous creaking and this conversation we are having right this minute” laughed the Humbug quite loudly just to see if this man could hear when he was being loud.
The three boys continued to watch, as Dr Dischord, carried on mixing pouring and sorting. Aquamarine, emerald green, magenta, scarlet red, marigold and a deep violet, were just some of the unusual colours that he made by mixing up different potions. Stepping outside the wagon Milo looked at the turquoise paint peeling off in long thick strips, leaving black mould in the places that it was when it was fresh. Black vines were crawling up the the side of the wagon hiding a sign behind their curling arms, making the three boys think that this wagon was well and truly ancient. Right beside the entrance of the wagon the Humbug noticed something peculiar out of the corner of his eye. It was a maple tree but not just any kind of maple tree it was growing clear glass bottles of maple syrup. “This man must be very unusual if he made this tree grow glass bottles labelled and all filled to the brim with maple syrup,” said the Humbug licking his lips as stared deeply at the bottles. All of a sudden the boys walked towards the tree like they were in a trance, and put their hands out slowly and touched the same maple syrup bottle and then they were gone, and all that was left was the man sitting at the table standing at the door laughing an evil evil cackling laugh.
☺Dr Dischord☺
Thousands of brightly coloured potions were crammed together upon big wooden shelves in Doctor Dischord's wagon. Milo, Tock and the Humbug put the their heads around the small open door of the wagon, and couldn’t believe what they saw in front of them.
In the exact middle of the room there was a dim flickering light bulb hanging low, so low that it nearly touched the top of Doctor Dischord’s mirror that was strapped extremely tightly around his skinny head. But the thing that their eyes were attracted to were his highly conspicuous ears. They were so big that they seemed unreal. Milo saw him working at a table mixing various colours and stirring them vigorously, then putting each of the mixtures into lots of unique bottles, some plump and short, some tall and skinny and many more unusual shapes.
“H h hello S s sir” Milo stammered taking a small step forward so he was exactly half in half out of Doctor Dischord’s wagon. But he just carried on bottling up all of his potions, and scribbling things down on a piece of paper. Just then he dropped his pencil on the hard oak table sitting under the low hanging light, and lent back on his chair and sighed. “Maybe we could say something now that he is taking a break” said Tock stepping even further into the wagon led by his curious black nose wanting to sniff a potion bottle that must have fallen out of a box.
“There must be at least a mailbox, or a sign on the outside of this wagon to tell us where we are and who this man is” quoted Milo stepping off the step very fast making the most terrible creaking sound. “This must be a very old wagon then if it makes this much noise,” said Milo, a grin spreading across his face as he did.
“I wonder how he became deaf, because there can’t be that much noise in this wagon and around this deserted field of endless grass,” said Tock.
Friday, 9 September 2016
My Self-Portrait
We have been working on Self Portraits in class. We had to follow some steps about where to put our facial features on a you tube video. To colour in our portraits we sketched it first in pencil and then coloured it in with oil pastels. We got our inspiration from a famous Mexican artist called Frida Kahlo, (who I have written about in a recent post).
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Mathletics Screencastify
In maths we have use a maths program called Mathletics. It has lots of different topics, games and even Live Mathletics, which is where you go up against someone from around the world on your basic facts. I did this screencastify to encourage people to do maths, and have fun at the same time.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
What are the Olympic Games
We have been writing about the Olympics. We pretended that we were trying to explain it to someone who has never heard of the Olympic Games, we wrote the explanation on information we already knew, and Mrs Idle gave us some websites to look through and find some interesting facts that we didn't already know about, and put it into a explanation. In this story we had to split all of our ideas into different paragraphs, we opened the explanation in an introduction and closed it in a conclusion.
An example of the Olympic values is that one of the Olympians from New Zealand, called Eliza McCartney was so overjoyed when she won a bronze medal for pole vaulting, and you could tell the ladies who placed 1st and 2nd were very gracious when they put Eliza in the middle of them for a photo, and that was a photo that she would remember forever.
What are the Olympic Games?
The Olympics are a sporting event held every four years, consisting of many different kinds of sports, for athletes of all sporting talents from all over the world. The reason for the Olympic Games is to make a better, peaceful world, and for all of the countries to get on, and to represent not just themselves, but their country.
Every four years the Olympics are held in a different country, such as, in 2012 they were held in London, 2016 Rio De Janeiro and in 2020, they are in Tokyo. In the Olympics the people who are placed in their event get a bronze medal for 3rd place, a silver medal for 2nd and a gold medal for 1st place.
In conclusion, I think the Olympic Games are, a great opportunity for people to show the world their talents, and to be more gracious when they win.
EllaTuesday, 30 August 2016
Frida Kahlo Writing
In writing I have been working on a piece of writing about a famous Mexican self portrait artist called Frida Kahlo, and the history of her life. Her stunning art inspired us to write and find out more about her and her art.
Frida Kahlo is a Mexican artist who was born on July 6th 1907 and died in 1954, 19 days after her birthday.
Frida Kahlo
When Frida was a child at the age of 6 she contracted a disease called polio, causing her to become cripple. By the time she was 18 she was caught in a bus accident, because a trolley ran in front of the bus. Because of this she was bedridden for three months.
As you can imagine being in bed for three months would get pretty boring, but Frida Kahlo resolved that problem. After her tragic accident she devoted her life to painting, but not just any painting, most of her paintings were self portraits. The reason Frida painted self portraits was because she didn’t see things like we do, because she was bedridden most of her life. All she could really see was herself. In her paintings Frida incorporated lots of nature, and animals in the background and on her shoulders. All of her paintings are very unique in lots of different ways for example in one of her paintings entitled ‘Self portrait with Bonito’ she had a bird and a butterfly in the background, and in another one of her pictures by the name of ‘Me and my Parrots’ she had birds all around her in the background.
In all of her paintings she had some very bold features. One of these was her eyebrows, which were a carob colour, and they were pretty large and stood out a lot. Another thing that I have noticed in Frida’s paintings was that she never looked happy, she always had a frown on her face, which to me sort of clashed with her colourful backgrounds, and the lovely animals surrounding her.
Frida lived on painting pictures throughout the rest of her life, until one fateful day she passed away. Throughout her life she had painted a total of 55 self portraits.
In conclusion I think that Frida Kahlo lived a very hard life, but got through it with just three things, courage, hope and painting.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Awahono School Mini Olympics
On Friday the 19th of August Awahono held a Mini Olympics. The eldest class organised the day, invented some fun games for us to play on the day, such as the egg drop, which is where you have a limited amount of time to make a contraption then put an egg inside, and hope that when you drop it that it doesn't break. In the photo I was in, I was doing the moon hopper race. Throughout the day you competed against each other for gold, silver and bronze medals. At the end of the day we had an awards ceremony and I won three gold medals one bronze, and a friendship certificate. So in conclusion it was really a fun filled day to celebrate the Olympics, and to build friendship with each other.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Typing Tutor
Every morning at school I have been doing a Typing programme called Typing.com. There are certain levels Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and practice, I am on Advanced. At the moment I have been working on full paragraphs, containing lots of advanced punctuation, capital letters and even numbers. Something that I have found hard is keeping up my speed, while frequently typing lots of numbers and capital letters. I have earned 27 badges, and my goal is to earn all of my badges.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Friday, 1 July 2016
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