Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Farewell Year 8's

At our Leavers Lunch the year 8 students watched short clips that the school made to say good-bye to them.  Here are some comments from the students specific to Ella, click on each link to hear what they had to say.

Tahlia          Greyson         Amelia           Renae          Taylor-Rose

Monday, 9 December 2019

camp photos

Recently I went on a class camp to Murchison it was so much fun here is a photo from it that I like, my favourite activity as you can see in my last post.  

Monday, 18 November 2019

Jet Boating Camp Activity

Our classroom has just been on an amazing camp to Murchison.  We did so many fun things eg. whitewater rafting, comet lining, bush survival and JET BOATING.  The jet boating was definitely my highlight it was so so much fun and I would definitely recommend it!  We had to make advertisements about it here is mine - Rate it in the comments!!

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Holiday reading challenge #BROWNIES

Here is my holiday reading challenge task... we had to present a set of instructions here is mine.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Pet Text Messages

In class we have been working on things themed with Pet Day because we have to produce pet day projects, one of the activities was creating a conversation of what we might have with our pet... Here is mine. I hope you enjoy them.

Comment down below what you think!!??

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Maths Screencastify.

In class Jayden and I made a screencastify about solving simple rate multiplication, we hope you learn something from this video get your pen and paper to follow along with us! 

I apologize because the video wouldn't upload onto my blog so here is a link.  Double click on it then click on the link that comes up underneath.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Creative Writing, Blog X

In class we have been working on children story books. We have had to write our own. This is mine it is a real story - realistic fiction, it is about ... Well you will just have to read it to find out.  Keep in mind this is a draft and the end has not been edited what so ever.  Please read it out loud because it sounds better! Enjoy !!

One starry night, Nan, Ella and Pop were sitting in the lounge drinking cups of tea.  SLURP SLURP! But all of of a sudden they heard an almighty … CRASH and a CRACK. “Oh deary me, said Nan.  What on earth was that! Nan and Ella Sped down the hallway like a train on a track. Nan opened the door CREAK and saw the window was smashed.  “OH NO OH NO” She slammed the door in a flash. Her and Ella took a small step in, then in a flurry of feathers and whirl of wind, WHOOSH, and from out of the blue appeared Keke the Kereru SQUAWK SQUAWK. Ella squealed EEEEKKK Nan Screamed AHHHH and Keke Squawked SQUAAAWK. In a fright we slammed the door shut BANG.  We took a peek inside and he was perched on his but. “He sure is mighty big,” said Ella “It looks like he just ate 5 roast pigs!” “He must have broken the window by flying right through, “Yes I agree but what will we do with Keke the Kereru,” cried Nan. Ella and Nan told Pop the crazy story, and Pop replied with “Oh Good Glory,”   

Pop suddenly exclaimed “ I’ve got an idea,” Nan said “What is it i’m eager to hear.” Pop told us his magnificent plan and said off you go to the neighbor's house Ella and Nan.  So we told Martin and Gloria the big long story and they both yelled out “OH GOOD GLORY” We told them the plan while eating pikelets with jam. Now we know what to do, with Keke the Kereru!  Martin ran to his shed to grab his whitebait net and said Lets go catch mother natures naughty pet. But when Martin came in he tripped over the door mat and his face went Kersplat right into a puddle of Keke’s poo. How much more damage can that bird do,” cried Nan.  Martin groaned, Nan sobbed and Ella said I’ll get the mop. Together they all cleaned up this icky bird slop, and set off to catch this troublesome kereru. They searched high and low but Keke did not show, “Oh no where did he go,” cried Ella in dispair. They wandered over to Pop who was sitting in his chair.  “Pop, Pop we don’t know where the bird has gone!” But all of a sudden in a flurry of feathers and a whirl of wind out came Keke from behind the garbage bin. He flew onto the tippity top window sill and then let out a very chirp that was very shrill which made everyone cover their ears as if to say you can’t catch me when I’m up here. But they weren’t giving up that easy Martin ran over to the door and grabbed his whitebait net which had fallen on the floor.  “ I can get you easy peasy lemon squeezy,” He whispered so quietly no one could hear. But the bird must have heard so when he swung the whitebait net he flew under pop’s chair. How on earth can we get him out from under there, cried Pop “Never fear Ella is here,” said Ella and with that she coaxed the bird out from under Pop’s seat. And he just sat there in front of Pop’s feet. Quickly scoop him up before he swoops away again. Martin got him in the net and Ella said Nan, Pop can we keep him as pet.  No we have to set him free where should we put him? Maybe in the Kowhai tree said Martin! “Great Idea let's put him out there,” Nan said. We all said goodbye and let him fly into the kowhai tree.

I have decided not to put in the undedited end piece because it didn't make sense when I have altered the story!

What do you think of the story so far? COMMENTS!!!!!

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Movie Stars two

We have been working on something called bloom activities, we read a story in a school journal and  we have to complete certain activities on them here is one of mine and the success criteria.

Here are the words we chose.
Punk Piranha

I saw a lady at the mall with a Punk Piranha comic book in her hand bag I asked her where she got it from she pointed in the direction of the comic store.

There was a  tinkly sound around somewhere I looked around my house to find what the tinkling noise was coming from then I looked outside and saw a wind chime tinkling in the wind.  

I went to the museum and saw  historic items like old soup cans and toothpaste tubes, way back from the time of the first world war, it was amazing to see how everything has evolved over the years.

There was an auction on ebay for an extremely accurate replica of Batman's batmobile, I placed a bid of $10,000 but someone overtook me with $110,000 so I didn’t have a chance.

The dangerous substance is radioactive so it is advised that children under 18 do not touch it as it could become a potential hazard to others and the environment.      

By - Ella, Shanika and Chloe Rose.

Movie stars activity one

We have to do a list of activity's based on a school journal we read. This is on a program called bloom we had to do heaps of different activities this is the first one. This is the task. 

Monday, 13 May 2019

School Production!

This is an advert that we were tasked to make we had to tell people about our school production that our school will be holding.  I would love some feedback about the poster :) Thank you enjoy.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Holiday reading challenge 2019 term 1

This holidays we were tasked to write a book review and a make a google drawing explaining the book but not giving to many details away.  I wrote in the first paragraph my version of a what you could call a book blurb.  It just gives you an idea of what the book is about.  We had a success criteria which needed to include these things -
The title of the book written correctly
The author of the book written correctly
A brief description of what the book is about.
I have used descriptive language to help engage the reader
Included an illustration
I  have posted it on my blog
Comment if I have done all those things!

Here is my book review explaining my personal opinion on the book and more details on it.

-Book Blurb 
When my Mother named me she must have been thinking of a lucky four - leafed clover. Clover Moon lives in a grimy backstreet of Victorian London, with six younger siblings, her wary Father and sharp - tongued uncaring Stepmother. Sparky and imaginative clover is quite to learn her letter and loves to paint and draw. But, despite her talents she in condemned to life as a household skivvy. Then a chance of meeting with an artist gives her an inspiring glimpse of another world and an idea of how she might find it... 

Title: Clover Moon
Author: Jacqueline Wilson
Age Recommendation: 11-13.
This book is set in older times therefore I think some language used in the book and overall the story, may be harder for younger children to understand.
Main Characters: Clover Moon
Who this book may interest: I personally think this book would interest girls more than boys because to me it seems that many boys may not be very interested in a book of a young girls journey to a better life in which she is helped by a home for destitute girls. But of course in the end it depends on every individuals interests.
My Opinion: I loved this book because it gave me a sense of how it was for many children in the Victorian times and how strong Clover was to have made many wrong turns but also many very important right turns. It was a very realistic story and all the problems in the book blended together so smoothly, also incorporating Hetty from another series of Victorian times that Jacqueline has written.


Tuesday, 26 March 2019

ANZAC Timeline

In class we have been working on Anzac timelines like the one below.  We selected an artefact from the box, based on Anzac day items they were replicas of the real thing.  Then we used a website walking with an anzac to find out our information about our soldier by researching our item.  Mine was a piece of silk

Friday, 22 February 2019

Verbs Poster

This is a poster Leah and I made to explain the definition of verbs.  We have included sentence examples facts and both our definition and a dictionary definition.

Adverbs Poster

This is a poster that Leah and I made explaining the meaning of adverbs.  This includes sentence examples and two definition to help you get the best understanding of adverbs.

Chapter Chat Thinglink

Our Teachers are reading us a book called the Recruit.  Each week we have questions based around that book I did the vocabulary task, which is where we have to find the meanings of certain words that are in the book.

Chapter chat reading activity

For reading we are reading a book called The Recruit.  Each week we get different activities.  I have done a book review explaining different things about the book including... Well you will just have to find that out!

Monday, 18 February 2019

Anzac Day poster

In class we have been introduced to a new website called thinglink.  On thinglink we made an interactive poster about Anzac Day.  We gathered facts and information about our topic and displayed it on a poster.   We shared these posters with the junior students in our school.  To use click on the icons displayed on the screen.
- Enjoy💜💜💜💜💜💜

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Bio Poem

In class we created a Bio Poem, which is an informal biography.  We planned it out, and then put it into a google slide with some pictures to make it more interesting.  I went for a minimal theme for my slideshow.