Monday 18 December 2017

#7 Summer Learning Journey

This Summer my school (Awahono School) are taking part in the Summer Learning Journey, where each week we get assigned three activities to complete and then to put on our blogs.  Activity information down below--

Task: In the 1800s, most families were pretty big. In fact, many parents had an average of seven to nine children.  Imagine that you were a child in the 1800s and you had nine siblings.

On your blog, please tell us how you would feel. Would you enjoy being a member of such a large family? Why or why not?

I would love to have a large family for all to many reasons I will share two of my reasons with you today.

Reason one: In a large family you will never get bored because there will always be somebody play with, and if you get bored with that person there is bound to be somebody else.

Reason two: you won't have to do as many chores, I mean sure with a heap of kids there is going to be a heap of mess, but the jobs will get spread out among everybody leaving each person about one job to do. ( Even luckier for you if you are the youngest because they usually get the easiest job out of everybody.)

Make sure to check my blog again in a couple of days to see more posts like this one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ella

    I think you are right that you would not get bored if you had all those brothers and sisters. In the 1800's you wouldn't have alot of games and things like we do in modern times. You would need to rely on your brothers and sisters to have someone to play with.
    In the 1800's you would of had a lot of chores such as to the washing by hand. There would have been no washing machine. Same with the dishes.
    If you had nine brothers and sisters you would have been able to lots of games that need lots of people to play such as hide n seek!
    How many brothers and sisters do you have? I only have one sister, and I am the youngest.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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