Monday, 18 December 2017

#8 Summer Learning Journey

This Summer my school (Awahono School) are taking part in the Summer Learning Journey, where each week we get assigned three activities to complete and then to put on our blogs.  Activity information down below--

All of us are members of a family. Some of us have large families and some of us have very small families. When I have the opportunity to talk about my family and my ancestry I sometimes choose to use a pepeha. It is a very special way of identifying who I am and where I come from. There are many different versions of pepeha but most provide people with information about who you are and where you come from (i.e. your whakapapa). Use the template provided below to prepare your own unique pepeha. If you need help please watch this short movie clip on preparing a pepeha

I unfortunately don't have a pepeha, but I have something similar called a Mihi that I would be just as happy to share with you!!

Mihi -5-6

Te Aromatawai Te Reo Māori - Tau 5-6


Tēnā koutou katoa,

Ko paparoa range te maunga,

Ko lysaght Rau Ko Atkin te iwi,

Ko Anna Rau Ko Catriona tōku whāea,

Ko Glen tōku matua,

Ko Campbell tūakana,

Ko Georgia teina,

Ko Awahono tōku kura,

Ko Ella tōku ingoa,

Nō Ahaura ahau,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ella

    Well done with your Mihi. I am sure that you are using this at Awahono school. Its really great to know this. Do you use it in class?
    Do you use Te Reo at school for anything else?

    I work at Grey Main School in the library and my library is call Nga Manawa ( which means the heart ).

    Well done Ella, keep up the good work

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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